Lua de Mel Californiana – Rafaela e Diogo

A nossa ideia de lua de mel era encontrar um destino romântico, que pudéssemos descansar, curtir um visual lindo e que tivesse ondas para o Diogo surfar. Nossa melhor opção foi então a mágica Califórnia. Com tínhamos 15 dias de viagem, criamos um roteiro com várias cidades, desde neve até o calor do deserto. Segue … Continue lendo

North to South, California Shines

California is being considered a hot spot for travelers, specially in high seasons, and a road trip through the coast is probably the best gateway (in particular now that the summer is coming and the sun is shining).   A trip from San Francisco to San Diego is the perfect vacation including a variety of … Continue lendo

Charming Carmel

Between San Francisco and Santa Barbara, in the middle of the coast, it is one of the most charming cities in California. Carmel is a mix of mountain and beach with a little boutique town full of good hotels, nice restaurants, local brand stores and art galleries. It is definitely a romantic getaway and a … Continue lendo