Lua de Mel Californiana – Rafaela e Diogo

A nossa ideia de lua de mel era encontrar um destino romântico, que pudéssemos descansar, curtir um visual lindo e que tivesse ondas para o Diogo surfar. Nossa melhor opção foi então a mágica Califórnia. Com tínhamos 15 dias de viagem, criamos um roteiro com várias cidades, desde neve até o calor do deserto. Segue … Continue lendo

North to South, California Shines

California is being considered a hot spot for travelers, specially in high seasons, and a road trip through the coast is probably the best gateway (in particular now that the summer is coming and the sun is shining).   A trip from San Francisco to San Diego is the perfect vacation including a variety of … Continue lendo

My Dream Hotel in California

I have to tell you about my dream hotel in California: Post Ranch Inn. The hotel is i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e and is located in the gorgeous Big Sur.   Post Ranch Inn was built literally in the top of the mountain and you have the amazing view of the ocean and are completely exposed to the sky … Continue lendo